It’s widely believed that self-straining architectonic and sculptural forms paradoxical to the human eye were first invented by the American Richard Buckminster Fuller in the 1950s. However, Kaspars smiles, and, as a patriot of not only Drusti (Cesis Region), but Latvia as a whole, he says: “The first was the Latvian Kārlis Johansons.”

In the Russian version of, Kārlis Johansons is described as an early 20th century Latvian and Soviet avant-garde artist, who can be numbered among the Soviet constructivists.

Today, what matters to us is that Kaspars’ planned object, based on Johansons’ sketches, is a greeting to this talented Latvian guy, Kārlis Johansons. However, at the same time, it is also a prototype of contemporary art, in which the eye sees through the mind.