Since 2010, the Boris and Inara Teterev Foundation has provided support to Riga Stradiņš University to foster the development of the most talented emerging specialists and raise the quality of studies.
The Boris and Ināra Teterev Foundation Scholarships in Medicine support diligent future specialists whose careers require financial support during their long years of study or whose achievements already deserve recognition. During the study year, 20 RSU students of the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, as well as the Faculty of Dentistry, and the Faculty of Pharmacy receive the scholarship.
36 scholars have already joined the ranks of medical professionals.
The purpose of the Philanthropist Boris Teterev’s Targeted Grant for Modernising RSU Study Programs is to foster the development of new innovative study courses at the RSU and improve existing study courses, integrating appropriate methodological solutions. These grants are intended for academic personnel working in study programs of the RSU. More information is available on the RSU website.
The purpose of the Philanthropist Boris Teterev’s Targeted Grant for Integrating International Experience is to increase the number of foreign guest lecturers at Riga Stradiņš University. Lectures, practical activities, consultations, and the development of materials required for study courses may be incorporated during the grant period. These target grants are intended for healthcare study programs and to improve the competence of academic personnel lecturing. More information about the grant is available on the RSU website.
In turn, the Boris and Ināra Teterev Foundation’s target grant aimed at improving RSU lecturers’ standing in the international citation index was received by representatives of academic personnel working on RSU healthcare study programs, as well as by authors of articles whose academic articles have been published or accepted for publications in which the citation index reaches at least 50% of the average citation index for the sector according to the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report.
Philanthropist Boris Teterev’s Grant in Medicine to support diligent students of medicine whose study opportunities are limited by material considerations or whose outstanding achievements during their studies to date merit special recognition. From 2011 to 2021, 23 students received scholarships that were granted until the end of their undergraduate studies. At present, all scholarship holders have joined the ranks of medical professionals.