From 7 October to 19 November 2017 at the Great Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art contemporary art exhibition “Title doesn`t Matter”. It displays accomplishment of 32 Latvian artists, fixed points of their current work process.
Logo of the exhibition.
In the exhibition, supported by the Boris and Ināra Teterev Foundation, participated such artists as Monta Andžejevska, Vents Āboltiņš, Katrīna Čemme, Krista Dzudzilo, Reinis Dzudzilo, Kaspars Groševs, Indriķis Ģelzis, Jānis Klaučs, Ģirts Korps, Maija Kurševa, Ieva Kraule, Andrejs Lavrinovičs, artists' group “3/8” (Jānis Dzirnieks, Jānis Krauklis, Rihards Rusmanis and Kristiāna Marija Sproģe), artists' group “F5” (Līga Marcinkeviča, Mārtiņš Ratniks and Ieva Rubeze), Darja Meļņikova, Anta Pence, Ojārs Pētersons, Kaspars Podnieks, Krišs Salmanis, Alise Sondore, Līga Spunde, Klāvs Upaciers, Evita Vasiļjeva, Oskars Veilands, Lidija Zaneripa, Brigita Zelča-Aispure and Armands Zelčs.
Exhibition participants are united by a certain way of thinking, education and several years of regular cooperation. All of the artists for some time of their lives have been professor’s Ojārs Pētersons students in the Department of Visual Communication of the Art Academy of Latvia. Their works can often be described as ingenious or ironic, meaningful and with a well-trained thought always present. The artists use a wide range of media – from drawing, video and photography to objects and installations, creating new vectors of possible existence.
Katrīna Čemme, "The grass is blue on the other side of the fence". 2017
“The exhibition is created without any frame dictated by a curator. “Title doesn`t Matter” can be paraphrased as “Thought has no Name”. The authors are interested in the paradoxes of perception, the content dependency on the context, and relations between language and image. Any work of art is a result of a long reflection process connected with nowadays and contemporary art. Coincidence is not their leading-motive, but life is full of coincidence that creeps into their creative work,” project authors - Ojārs Pētersons, Līga Marcinkeviča, Maija Kurševa - explain.